The Quad Capital Campaign

Investing In The Educational Needs Of  Students

Legacy School is an independent private school in Omaha, NE offering a Preschool through 5th Grade education within a student-centered environment. The school was founded in 2008 as an Early Education Institution on 168th and Blondo. Because of exponential growth and an increased need, a new school was built on 11 acres of land on 166th and Ida in 2016.

During the initial construction, the previous house on the land transitioned to a Science House without any structural changes. As school enrollment has grown to fill each grade level over the years, the need for additional, dedicated, upper elementary classrooms has been identified. Converting the Science House into three permanent classrooms for our older students, plus transforming the garage space into a separate science room for all levels is the best solution.

Building A Stronger Legacy

As Legacy School continues to thrive, our initial goal to provide a complete educational experience from early childhood through 5th grade remains consistent. Additionally, future enrollment goals are not being altered. It is our vision to be able to offer one to two classrooms per grade level depending on enrollment numbers.

In the past few years, classrooms have been altered by combining grades and/or removing early childhood classrooms in order to support grade-level progression of our current student body. Having three additional intermediate elementary classrooms in The Quad would alleviate these shifts.

The Quad conversion is not a sign of overall growth for the school. It is simply a way to better serve the current student structure. Legacy has no plans of increasing enrollment numbers.

Proposed Floor Plan

After the project completed a triple-bid process, it was determined that the winning contractor will be a former Legacy Parent who owns Priority Construction.

The Quad Capital Campaign’s Donation Goal Is $400,000

This goal was established through:

  • A triple-bid system to cover construction costs, including framing, electrical, plumbing, and finishing
  • Research into next-generation technology, including projectors, computers, and telecom systems
  • Teacher-led recommendations for classroom setup, including flex seating, desks and storage
  • Secondary Camp Legacy usage needs

A Capital Campaign is required for this initiative as tuition fees are fully utilized to cover everyday operational expenses without a significant surplus.

The project will launch in March 2024 with a major private donor campaign. Once 60% of the overall goal is reached, a public donation campaign begin.

Donations Are 100% Tax Deductible And Company Matching Is Available

Donations will run through the Legacy School Parent Advisory Board‘s Non-Profit 501c3, providing 100% tax-deductions for all donations. A Charitable Donation Receipt will be provided for all donations above $250. A Major Donor Form can be found below, along with a Company Matching Form.

While the donations will be collected by the Legacy PAB, this campaign is a stand-alone effort and is not attached to, nor should detour from, their fundraising efforts. They will continue to run the Day of Awesomeness and other efforts to collect funds for scholarships and smaller educational improvement projects.

This campaign will not be successful without the help major donors. Major individual and/or company donors will be acknowledged based on tiered donation levels. There is also an option to donate anonymously.

  • Tier 1: Open ended and will involve discussions to determine proper acknowledgement
  • Tier 2: $20,000+ will be memorialized as tier-2 donors on a plaque near The Quad’s main entrance
  • Tier 3: $10,000-$19,999 will be listed as tier-3 donors on the Quad’s entrance plaque

Projected Project Completion Within 18 Months

See a return on your investment quickly, as the new Quad is slatted to be in use for the 2025-26 school year.

Mar 2024:  Launch Private Major Donor Campaign
May 2024:  Reach 60% of Overall Goal *
May 2024:  Launch Public Donor Campaign
Sep 2024:  Capital Campaign Goal Reached
Oct 2024:  Conversion Begins
Aug 2025:  New Quad Classrooms In Use

* The public donor campaign will not be launch until 60% of the overall goal has been reached.

The Quad Capital Campaign Committee
Buffy Baca, Head of School:
Kelly Pedersen, Head of School:
Angie Stock, Marketing and Communications Director:
Nikki Facca, Legacy Early Childhood Teacher:

Legacy School Parent Advisory Board 

Legacy School
Address: 6860 N. 166th Ave., Omaha, NE 68116
Phone: 402.884.2242